We rose early again, none the worse for the late night before, and had our breakfast at our favorite noodle shop. Some wanted to go shopping before the hash and joined Tinker and Short Shorts on the van. I walked along the river and back alleys to see a quieter way of life, away from the hustle of the main streets. We met again at noon for the ride to the stadium and on to the Sunday run. Oozing, Dry Foot,
At the second check I found myself far off left of the pack as they called OnOn, but continued up a ridge line as it looked like it might join with the pack further up the mountain. I was with a hasher from
Finding some intelligence, we backtrack downhill and finally found a lesser grade, this led to a hillside farm. The locals pointed the way to the Wat and we eventually found trail again. At the road to the Wat, one of the hares asked us to sweep as we were last and asked if we had seen Tinker. Seems he'd been out but hadn't been seen in some time and not heard from. We continued up the steep road to the Wat where we bumped into Swamp Bitch and Oozing. Then we all went down the 1000 steps to the OnOn. Tinker finally did arrive, not looking to good, but surviving and then it was more beers and the circle. Tinker was suppose to be a GM for the circle, but didn't have the strength or voice for it. Others jumped in to cover and the DD's and antics carried on for some time. Then it was off to the stadium for food, beer, skits and closing ceremony.
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